About First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich
First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich was established in 1881. "The first service was held in a public hall on Easter Sunday. From the first service the divine blessing has followed and directed the work. Its members have consecrated themselves to Him who has thus far led them, and they go forward in the confidence that whatever else is needed, He, by His children, will supply..."
So begins an account of First Presbyterian Church history written by its first church officers. The confident faith of those early Presbyterians continues to inspire us today. Since its beginning, First Presbyterian Church has placed a high priority on worship. In 1887, the church dedicated a sanctuary whose renovated structure continues to serve us. From its pulpit distinguished ministers have offered sermons that instruct and inspire the congregation. Throughout its history, a succession of esteemed ministers of music have worked with the clergy to enrich our worship of God. Indeed, a reporter praising the first services wrote, "It's quite safe to say that rarely, if ever, has such church music been heard in Greenwich."
In addition to worship, Christian Education has always been a primary concern of First Presbyterian Church, and a Sunday School was established immediately after the church's formation in 1881. Since that time, the growth of the Sunday School has necessitated five building additions. Classrooms adjacent to the sanctuary were constructed in 1924 and 1955, and additional space at Collyer Center across Lafayette Place was added in 1964 and 1975. In 2007, the church completed the construction of a new four-story building with ample space for education, fellowship, community outreach and nursery school classrooms, as well as a steeple and carillon. Programs for older youth and adults have evolved over time. In addition to their weekly classes, our youth have participated in short- and long-term mission trips, ski trips, and a European tour. Our Adult Education programs have featured classes led by professors from Princeton Theological Seminary, Union Theological Seminary and Yale Divinity School as well as our own clergy.
Mission has been another significant emphasis of First Presbyterian Church. Today, First Presbyterian Church continues its commitment to mission through its empowerment of lay volunteers, adult mission trips and its support of many local mission organizations as well as those of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Sundays 10:00 am
Services are held every Sunday year-round in the main Sanctuary filled with stunning stained glass windows. Choral anthems, hymns, breathtaking organ and piano accompaniment, thought-provoking sermons, and traditional prayers make worship a joyous and rejuvenating experience.
Sundays 5:00pm
Join us at 5pm on Sunday afternoons for a refreshing, casual worship service filled with prayer, contemplation, and uplifting singing accompanied by talented musicians. Worship with us on the Collyer Center lawn during warmer months, and in our Sanctuary in seasons of cold or inclement weather.
Sundays 8:30am
In the summer months, worship is also held in the Seaside Garden at Tod’s Point. Bring a chair and enjoy the same traditional service in casual outdoor comfort. There’s also a special “children’s church” for the youngsters. No passes or permits are required – just tell gate attendant you’re going to church.